Òscar’s music featured in the programme ‘Geografia dos Sons’ in Antena 2, the Classical Music channel of the Portuguese National Broadcasting Corporation

On 30/05/2016, Antena 2, the classical music radio channel of the Portuguese National Broadcasting Corporation, aired two compositions by Òscar, as part of the programme Geografia dos Sons‘ feature on Spanish music.

Geografia dos Sons is a programme presented and produced by Luís Tinoco (composer and broadcaster), which this week devoted part of its air time to explore Spanish contemporary music, including works by Òscar and by other established Spanish composers such as Jesús Rueda, Ricardo Climent, José Antonio Orts and Joaquín Lambíes. It featured Òscar’s The Ruinous Circles (from the CD recording by the Grup Instrumental de València) and Une Poupée en Flammes (from the CD recording by percussion quartet Kontakte).

Òscar is very grateful to Luís Tinoco, presenter at Antena 2 of Geografia dos Sons for his open support and kind interest.

Below, excerpt of the programme, featuring Òscar’s work: (Audio in Portuguese):
