The new piece will be premiered in the Festival’s 46th Edition, in September 2024

Òscar has been co-commissioned by the Orquestra de València and the Ensems Contemporary Festival to create a new orchestral piece for the festival’s 46th edition. Spain’s oldest contemporary music festival, the next edition of Ensems will take place in September 2024, in València.

Òscar’s upcoming new work will be a key part of the festival’s programme. Inspired by bodies of water as liminal spaces, this new piece is expected to explore the symbolic interplay between sound, movement, and fluid liminality.

New music’s enthusiasts can look forward to experiencing Òscar’s individual artistic vision brought to life by the talented musicians of the Orquestra de València.

Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the premiere of Òscar’s latest orchestral commission at the 46th edition of the Ensems Contemporary Festival, a celebration of cutting-edge music and creativity in València.